Situational Awareness Course

This situational awareness course teaches individuals how to glean and process information about their surroundings, and act accordingly.

Raven situational awareness

About Our Situational Awareness Course

Though situational awareness is considered an essential skill for law enforcement and military personnel, as well as first responders, Raven Advisory believes it to be a critical skillset for all individuals.

With this course, taught by our highly trained and experienced staff, we are able to teach you the skills and techniques necessary to develop and maintain situational awareness, better equipping participants in their daily lives. This is a one-day course and includes topics like:

Improve your decision-making skills
Identify and respond to potential threats
Increase the safety of yourself and others

Frequently Asked Questions

Situational awareness is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend critical information about your surroundings, and act or react in a way that ensures the safety of you and those around you. It is a crucial skillset for not only military and law enforcement personnel, but all individuals in general.

Yes – Raven Advisory’s survival and medical training, situational awareness, and digital safety (Digital Dust) courses are led by experienced U.S. Army officers and tailored for civilians. It’s never too late to gain the crucial skills for surviving in our world, as well as protecting yourself and others.

This course is for every individual, but is highly relevant and useful for:

  • Children and young adults entering junior high, high school, or college.
  • Parents and families, particularly those with young children, or young couples who plan to have children.
  • Working adults, especially those who work in shared office spaces or buildings, or out in the field.
  • Stay at home parents.
  • Educators, athletics coaches, instructors, or anyone who is frequently interacting with large groups of people.

To schedule your course, simply send us an email. All of Raven Advisory’s courses are in-person. We’ll work with you to set up a date, time, and location for this one-day situational awareness course.

Yes – all of Raven Advisory’s courses can be customized to include any specific topics or skillsets. The situational awareness course can be customized to include:

  • A child going to college
  • Situations in workplace environments
  • School environments or other group settings
  • Any other everyday life scenario where situational awareness is paramount


Candi Harris

“This class opens your eyes to what could really happen in a shooter scenario.  The Raven team makes you see how fast these things really take place and that we all need to be prepared with a plan well before we ever find ourselves in this situation – not only in our office but in all general public areas.  Trying to figure it out in the moment is too late. 

They showed us examples of how to always be alert in our everyday lives and to always think about what we would do in an active situation.  Where would I hide? What could I use as a weapon?  How do I alert others?…… Etc etc. 

In today’s world, we all need more training on these scenarios.  Raven is a professional team that is great at what they do.  They have equipped me with helpful tips and insights so that I am more prepared to protect myself.”


Ready to Learn Critical Safety Skills With Raven Advisory?

Reach out to Raven Advisory by filling out the form. We are able to create tailored courses for yourself and your loved ones right in your city or town.